Thursday, November 15, 2012

MATHEMATICS: Statistics, Motion, Fencing


Mode, Median, Mean


Rearrange the data in ascending order, the mode is occuring MOST FREQUENT

example: 5, 7, 8, 8, 8, 9  ---> mode is 8


Mean (arithmetic mean) is the Average


odd median ---> middle

example: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9  ---> median is 7

even median ---> average of 2 medians

example: 5, 6, 8, 9

n = 4 (even number of terms)

there are two medians ---> 6 and 8

to find the median, get the average of 6 and 8

median = (6 + 8)/2 = 14/2 = 7


A train travels at constant speed 70 mph from Station1 to Station2. The distance between the stations is 1000 miles. Find the expression for the distance as a function of time.


Distance diminishes as it travels from station1 to station2

S = v*t

S = 70t ---> distance travelled for a certain time t


S(t) = 1000 - 70t  ---> this is the distance as a funtion of time (the distance for a specific value of time)


S = distance travelled

S(t) = distance as a funtion of time as the train travels from station1 to station2

v = constant speed or velocity

t = time of travel


A farmer wants to fence a length of 100 ft. Determine the number of posts required if the posts are spaced 25 ft apart.


P = L/s + 1  ---> number of posts required


L = 100 ft, length of fence

s = 25 ft, spacing between posts


P = L/s + 1

P = 100/25 + 1

P = 4 + 1

P = 5

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